Humidity/Temperature Deadband issue


Is there a way to reduce the deadband in the humidity settings from the current 5% to less like 2-3%? 5% or degrees provides too wide a swing in humidity and temp for my needs.

Thanks in advance


Hello tsa1982,

Thanks for your message, for now it’s not possible, but we are taking note about this, if we detect demand enough we could add this feature in the future.

Have a great day!


I second this request as it would help to keep my VPD on point. Thank you to the Niwa staff for being awesome!


Thanks for your feedback, JayHof!

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So wait. I just spent $200 on this thing and it cant even replace my $49 Inkbird humidistat? Are you kidding me right now

Apparently I needed to update my firmware. OK its working yay. Finally something works. It is doing a better job then my inkbird as reported by my Pulse so thats dope. But more importantly now I can control humidity when lights off.

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Great jasong! I’m sorry if you experienced some issues, and I’m glad it’s working as expected now!

Anything you need, please reach, if you want to talk to the founders we are at, and finally if you don’t like your Niwa, we are happy to take it back and issue a refund. :slight_smile:

Have a great day!


Thanks for your feedback and nice words, awiniwa!

We take note about it, in the meantime, I’d say, maybe your heating, cooling and other devices are too powerful for the space?

We keep working on making Niwa better!

Second this - the swings when trying to maintain 1-1.1 VPD are tough. I swing from .8 to 1.1 and am thinking about running the risk of setting everything with a higher VPD so I atleast average the desired 1-1.1 instead of averaging on the low side. Perhaps just change the deadband and give a notice that the setpoints may be exceeded instead of being a limit?

  • Randy

Yessss please change this! I thought my device was broken at first and this makes it very hard to trust the device for drying purposes. I’m trying to stay below 62% humidity yet the niwa won’t kick on until 65% even when set to 60? Lol?


And setting it to 57 causes swings from 52% up to 62 and rarely is even at 57, swings like will with out a doubt create an environment where powdery mildew will have no problem forming and taking over even if your airflow and canopy are well managed. This is a massive and serious design flaw in the Niwa and should be addressed asap imo.


Yes!!! Honestly a +5/- 5% curve is an actual variance off target of 10%…55% - 65% has way to much variance for a 2 way unit(able to keep humidity per a humidifier/dehumidifier…should be able to dial it in much closer if not just adjusted by ourselves just like all the acinfinity controllers allow me too…


If I understand it correctly, the deadband/variance for temperature is +/- 5˚F from its set point (target temp) and deadband/variance for Humidity +/-5% from its set point (target humidity).

The need for growers to be able to control & adjust the deadband for temperature & humidity down to 1˚F and 1%RH cannot be overstated! It is an absolute must in order to maintain proper VPD ranges as well as environmental conditions required during the Drying Process.

You have a great product with great potential! Please, Please, seriously consider a fix for the deadband issue. I realize that aside form modification to the phone app, it may require actual physical modifications to the Grow Hub itself. But IMHO that is what is required for NIWA to provide growers with the true environmental control they need.

Respectfully submitted


I hope this is the correct place to post this comment:

Most Air conditioners & Dehumidifiers and is some cases Electric Heaters have a built in delay before turning back on. However, in some situations they do not have a delay built in and thus I believe modifications to the NIWA app to allow users to provide and adjust a startup delay for these devices of 0-5 minutes is needed. Please consider appropriate programming modification to the phone app.

Respectfully submitted


Hello pageweb,

Thanks for your feedback, we are working on the dead zones, and they will be updated in our next Firmware release.

Regarding your second post, do you mean that we should ask a delayed startup to protect compressors? What behavior would you expect?

Thanks again for your help!


Yes, it is to protect the compressors & in some cases heaters.

There should be 3 separate controls. One each for Air Conditioner, Dehumidifier & Heater.

Controls/Settings can be located in the same setup area of the phone app as the Outlet Configuration, Calibrate Light, etc… Their operation can be similar to the way Sensor’s Offsets is, with a sliding scale from 0-5 minutes with default being 0(zero).

When the environmental conditions are met to turn on the device a countdown timer is activated which prevents/delays the actual power receptacles from turning on until the countdown timer has timed out.

When set to 0(zero) no timer is needed and the device would immediately turn on (just as it does now). When set to say 3 minutes the device would not be tuned and the countdown timer would begin counting down for 3 minutes. The power receptacles for that device would be turned on when the countdown timer times out (reaches 0).

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Thanks for your help pageweb, we will study it in detail.

Hello. Need this deadband issue fixed asap! I have the ink bird and can dial in humidifier to -1%/+1% and everything was praying all the time. Now with the -5%/+5% swing on the Niwa my babies are getting stressed out badly…when can we expect an update? Would it auto download or do I need to monitor this site to get the download?


Hello C_C111, please email, and we will have you first in the queue as soon as our first new version is rolling out.

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Another vote for this feature!

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