Humidity/Temperature Deadband issue

Just adding my vote for this feature as well. If it’s possible to adjust the variable to +1% / -1%, that would be such a HUGE help.

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Hey there! What we’ve done for now, (releasing soon) is reducing the band to 2% for RH and 0.3ºC for Temp.


Really looking forward to the update👍

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Awesome. Noticed my app updated today. Was this part of the update?

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Hello guys, we have a beta FW version up and running with the reduced dead band. We are happy to push it to your systems, just email with your log in email and I will update your Firmware!

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Email sent about 12h ago and just waiting for the firmware, thanks!

Are there release notes/changelog so we know what all is included?

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Thank you. Update received :+1:t2:

Hello, sorry about that! All update request have been sent. I think I have not received your email, could you please send it again, referencing you are Adian009?

Just an fyi. Make sure you leaf offset temperature is correct. This will aid in maintaining desired vpd with the new update. My experience anyway.

@Javier_Niwa humidity stops at set humidity but drops 4-5% before it comes back on. No good yet?

You can see it here.

Did you ask for the beta Firmware update? I don’t think so, so you are running the previous FW.

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I’m asking now.

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Does this mean I have the new update? Anyone?

That is the app version, not the Firmware.

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@Javier_Niwa so far so good with the gaps. I love it. For me I have a 2x2x8 closet. Once I figure a balance with exhaust fans to maintain a decent balance of temperature and humidity without any equipment running. Like 80F and 40% humidity. The more I learned to prep my space the easier it is to control my environment. This way the easier the hub has to work and more accurate throughout my grow. Thank you

Hello there, this message is for those who asked for the beta Firmware to

Two of the beta testers with the new beta Firmware have had issues with the lamp schedule (the lamp did not go off; they already reported to support).

Have you experienced any issue so far?

We are working on it, and we are already testing a newer version internally, in the meantime please watch your Hubs, and we are happy to roll back your Firmware back to the stable one if you want to (email

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No issues with mine so far either but will watch more carefully

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Thanks for the feedback.

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So far so good👍 No issues to report yet. The tighter Deadbands seem to be working well👍 I will continue to monitor and let you know if any issues pop up✌️


I do have a question in regards to dash values versus stats historical values.

Are the historical data for relative humidity temperature compensated? It seems as if historical data is consistently lower than dash values if referring between modules.

EDIT: on further review, it seems the values are fairly consistent, aside from gaps where the hub was offline completely for hours.

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