Wow, just want to say that I have been enjoying my niwa hub!! I’ve had a couple slight glitches but really my uptime and reliability is quite fantastic. I’ve also seen improvements in the software that I like!
I’ve seen some other suggestions on here that I would also agree are great ideas, mainly the on&off timer abilities for outlet customization.
I have also been running into an issue where I can only fit so many things on my niwa. It would be nice to make a larger version that allows you all combinations be plugged in for one unit. A/C/Fan/Heater humidifier/dehumid, etc.
It would also be nice if the community could come together on devices that have been tested or know to work with the niwa hub (externally trigger-able).
I’m currently having some trouble deciding on the correct A/C which does not need to be large but I cannot know for sure if the unit resets after being powered off by the niwa hub.
Anyway, not trying to be a Debby downer here. The main focus is that I am rather satisfied with your product but have some feedback to hopefully foster even more improvements in the future.