An old news one - upgrading

I’ll be straight. I have a niwa one in my office and it’s sitting collecting dust. The app has always been flaky (not staying logged in - or forgetting me) and it’s been a nightmare setting it up (possibly to do with our wifi being locked down). I’ve been pondering on using the shell and other components and refreshing to an updated gardening setup. Anyone done this?

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I have been using a NIWA Grow Hub+ for over a month now, but I did have a little trouble at first getting and keeping connected when I started with the original Grow Hub a few months ago. Everything is working good now I am contemplating getting the CO2 sensor upgrade, but not sure I need it. I love what the hub+ does for my small grow, and most would probably say a NIWA is overkill for my small grow, but I love it. So far, it has kept things running smoothly, with an occasional restart of the hub (cutting power off momentarily), but it always comes back up right away. I think it does this when I get started tinkering with the recipes and settings too much in a short time period.

i haven’t been able to make mine work either. it is also sitting collecting dust. I’m watering and turning on my lights with two wifi plugs on a timer. i’m not sure why its impossible to get it connected.

Hey @jrinalb we are waiting for your reply at support, please let us know so we can move forward.

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Is there way to return Niwa one back ?